Itrash gameinx
Itrash gameinx

itrash gameinx

GameInc was one of the leading game company in the world, their games were unique and sharp.Īnd it was rumored that their CEO himself, the almighty, Jeremy Hart sketches the game himself. "No, Sir" He bowed, she had commited a huge mistake.Īfter minutes of standing there, no word came out from his mouth, relaising that he wasn't going to say a word, Andy scurried out of his office. "Are you daft?"His question shook her, his eyes already turned red due to anger, and anytime he was like this, he wouldn't bother firing anybody just by their mistakes without even batting an eye. Emma Roberts the CEO of GameTec as required to see you as self, it would be a shame if you turn her down" Andy explained. "I am not in the mood to see anyone" His sharp gaze on her made her want to vanish and disappear.

itrash gameinx

"Sir, someone requests to see you" His Assistant said. "Amazing"He muttered to himself as he replayed the video over and over again. He watched her technequies, her fighting skills, as she landed the slap on the man's face, as she kicked those guards, how she sent them flying just with a kick on the shin. The man studied the video well as if he was glued to it. "Mum, Dad, Sabrina, I will avenge your death" With tears, she swore.Ī month had passed, since the incident at imperial resturant.Įmma still does her work like any other CEO would do. She placed the flowers which she had brought, and kept it on 'Sabrina' cementry. That secne was like a nighmare, a truama that she still couldn't heal from. The bullet had panreated through their body, blood stained and battered on their clothes. That day, she came back from school and met her family dead corpse laying on the floor.

itrash gameinx

She carcessed the grave of her little sister 'Sabrina', she was just three when she died for crying out loud, her little sister was just ten. The powerful Emma was nowhere to be seen, as only the weak and meek Emma could be seen, she slumped on the burial ground as tears flowed down her face. She wobbled her feet to the grave that was engraved 'Mum' 'Dad' and her eyes turned teary 'Sabrina' She started her car and drove off to the cementry. "Not until I ruin yours" Bose gnashed his teeth in disgust. She opened the door and left the restaurant.

itrash gameinx

She reached the door, she looked back at the Bose, "If you want to play, let us play, but watch, I will ruin your life" The way she said it made everyone scared. They fell their face on the ground, everyone including Grandma Martha gasped, who was this young woman and why in the heck was she so good at fighting? She just simply turned towards them and landed a flying kick to them all. However they were all in for a big suprise.Īs the guards rushed to her. "Now she will get beaten up like a pulp" The guards felt sorry for her, but they just had to do what they were commanded of.Įven Grandma Martha was stupefied, why did her blind date suddenly took a turn for the worst. "Why didn't she just kneel in front him?" "She will probably just get one of two of her lips broken" They all whispered. He couldn't just let her escape just like that.Įveryone readied themselves, how will this young woman fight all the six guards?. He couldn't bear the pain, the shame, he glanced at the woman who was almost half way near the door. He felt like crying, though she applied little force on the slap, it felt like a heavy metal landed on his cheeks. The slap that landed on his face was like her hand were made of steel, blood dripped out from the corner of his lips.

Itrash gameinx